I Bet You Think I Care...

Bush vs. Kerry
Bush vs. Kerry
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Do you REALLY want a war-hungry monkey running YOUR country?


WHY?? WHY should you support John Kerry? Well...lets start from the top.
First of all, I've never been one to whine about the environment or whatever, but what the hell. Bush wants to drill for oil in Alaska. Kerry opposes. Okay, so Bush wants to make it to where we don't have to depend on other countries as much for our oil supply, but did he mention that it will only help us by 2%?! The results of the drilling would be much more devastating than helpful, and it would be retarded to do it.

Also, Bush opposes gay marriage and favors adding an amendment banning it. Let me explain why this pisses me off. You think homosexuality is gross? Fine, so do I. However, what did gay people ever do to you? You can't choose who you love and neither can they. It isn't hurting anybody, and if they want to be together, than fucking let them and get over yourself! Kerry doesn't support marriage, however he does support legal unions.
Next thing is abortion. Bush opposes it except in cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother. First of all, is it not cruel to bring a baby into the world where it will be neglected? What if the mother is a crack whore who spends money on her dope and doesn't care what happens to the baby?? Oh sure, they say, give it up for adoption. RIIIIIGHT....... Do you know how many kids bounce around through foster homes waiting for a loving family? Sure, some kids get lucky, but the majority of them do not. What a wonderful life. Kerry favors right of choice.
I rest my case.

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